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The series of conferences organized by students of Liceum 21 in Łódź, Poland

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    The team of students from the XXI Bolesław Prus High School in Łódź is pleased to invite distinguished guests, as well as the wonderful audience of high school students from Łódź secondary schools, to the Conference 2.1, which is the second edition of last year’s event, during which we had the honor of hosting the current Minister of Justice, Prof. Adam Bodnar.

    The event is divided into two parts. The first will be a meeting with the Children’s Ombudsperson, Monika Horna-Cieślak, which will take place on September 18th at 11 AM in the building of XXI High School.

    The second part will be held at the building at 52 Rewolucji 1905 Street, thanks to the courtesy of the Management of the Institute of Creative Proceedings, who have kindly provided us with the space.


    18 września 2024r.

    11:00 – 11:15 – Introduction

    11:15 – 13:00 – Meeting of the students of XXI High School of Bolesław Prus in Łódź with Mrs. Monika Horna-Cieślak, Commissioner for Children’s Rights, lawyer, activist, and social worker

    25th September 2024

    10:00 – 10:15 – Introduction

    10:20 – 11:30 – Online interview with Sophia, the humanoid robot produced by Hanson Robotics from Hong Kong (30 minutes), followed by a discussion panel with experts:

    • Tomasz Wolanowski, Vice President of ABB
    • Dr. Dawid Misztal, Assistant Professor at the Department of Contemporary Philosophy, University of Łódź
    • Representative from Bank PKO BP

    11:30 – 11:45 – Break

    11:45 – 12:15 – Discussion panel with experts:

    • Jakub Wiewiórski, Festival of Media “Man in Danger”
    • Magdalena Gałczyńska, Journalist at Onet.pl

    12:15 – 12:30 – Break

    12:30 – 13:15 – Panel with representatives from Bank PKO BP

    13:15 – 13:25 – Break

    13:25 – 14:00 – Discussion panel “Active Youth” featuring representatives from:

    • I High School of Mikołaj Kopernik in Łódź
    • III High School of Tadeusz Kościuszko in Łódź
    • XXI High School of Bolesław Prus in Łódź
    • XXIX High School of Jan Bytnar “Rudy” in Łódź